
We live in a world today where churches and other religious venues are targets to foreign and domestic terrorism.  Racism, beliefs, retaliation, hatred, jealousy, and theft are among the reasons churches and religious domiciles are targeted for violence.  Since 1999 there have been over 200 shootings in American houses of worship.  These incidents have occurred in every type of church and in every location imaginable.  Church violence is often thought of as a physical attack, but it may also include threats, intimidation, oral or written statements, and gestures or expressions that communicate a direct or indirect threat of physical harm.  The “SHELTR” Church Training℠ Program provides Pastors, Key Leaders, and Employees with training tools and techniques in which to keep their church safe.

Generic training does not effectively train Pastors, Key Leaders, or staff on the protective measures necessary to keep their specific church safe.  Each building design, operating protocols of your church, even outside climates and terrain are different for every organization.  A Certified Instructor from our team of over 500 former US Army, US Marine Corp, and Law Enforcement personnel will work “On-Site” with your organization to develop a “SHELTR” plan that is “CUSTOMIZED” for your specific Building(s). The “SHELTR” Church Training Program ℠ provides instruction on:

  1. Church Violence Prevention Strategies
  2. “On-Site” Security Assessments to:
    1. Establish “Security Focused” entry and exit points for congregations
    2. Determine Security System functionality
    3. Design a Security System (if needed)
    4. Update Emergency Exits and Security Stations throughout all buildings
    5. Develop safety protocols when dealing with offerings or money on-site
  3. Learn how to diffuse confrontational situations
  4. Designate and train a “Security Assistance Team” in the event an “Active Threat” occurs

To maintain the highest possible readiness posture, it is vital for churches and worship centers to stay informed.  “SHELTR” updates are provided to every institution that has completed the “SHELTR” Church Training ℠ Program through our “SHELTR” Vision™ Mobile Phone Application (Available in Android Marketplace and Itunes).

To learn more about the “SHELTR” Church Training℠ Program, please contact us via email or call us at 434-792-8116.